
Our journey to Ecuador has been marked by gentle southerly winds, making for slow sailing during the days and ...

The bay of Ancon, Peru has been our home for about a week now. We have been warmly welcomed by the local Yacht Club and every ...

After the first days with a lot of southern wind, we now had a few days with little wind. For two days the engine had to make sure...

For the past eight days we have been anchored off the port of Valparaiso. It was bustling with container ships arriving...

We have enjoyed the weather warming up over the last few days. One of the special things about travelling by ship is that ...

We are sailing on the Pacific Ocean off the mountainous coast of Chile. The wind is south, around force 6-7, so steering is a strenuous job....

Wow, we don't even know where to start. You just fall from one surprise into another. Just sailing through the fjords is an event in ...