Underway to Callao

Underway to Callao

15 March 2024

Underway to Callao

We started our voyage to Peru on a clear, but windy summer day: great conditions for the trip ahead of us. The last week, we were anchored in the Bay of Valparaíso, home to a family of sealions, who made it a bit more challenging to bring the guest crew to the ship with our small dinghy.

Once everyone was on board, buzing with exciting, it seemed that the ‘Oosterschelde’ wanted to spend more time in the bay, as our anchor chain was wrapped around a wreckage. After great efforts from our entire crew, the cameramen who launched a underwater drone to have a closer look, and a fortunate push of the wind, we were ready to go! Off to Callao!

Although we are facing strong swell, it comes with strong and steady south/ south-westerly winds, pushing us onwards to our destination. Not only did we make up for the hours lost on the anchor being stukc, but we also set a little record, with sailing over 200 nautical miles in 24 hours. A feed rarely accomplished. Today, the swell has calmed down a little, and many sailors who have been seasick are now back on deck with a broad smile! We’ve seen the first Peruvian boobies already!