February 2016

We have arrived at Martinique and we have dropped anchor at 17:30 GMT, in front of Fort-de-France, the capital...

Update by Arjen Wapenaar:
"Yesterday, Wednesday, started as a cloudy day. Luckily the sun came out slowly. In the meantime at 14 hours we changed the ships time to an ...

After all the excitement of the last few days everything is ‘back to normal’, or even better! Because we have a birthday on board: Jan has turned 32 years old! 
He ...

Update first mate Jan: "Salvatore is starting to smile again and talking to the other guests on board. Slowly he is is recovering from the shock. On the aft deck we made a...

Update by Alice Teekman:
"At 02:20hrs we already set the sails again. The exhausted sailor was welcomed on board by Maarten and shown to a cabin where he could shower...

Bit by bit it becomes clear what happened to the 'Tarabaralla'. Salvatore, the Italian sailor who we rescued from the yacht, is exhausted and is still sleeping, but this ...

The ship in trouble was the Belgian yacht 'Tarabaralla'. The ship was demasted and the propellor was not working anymore and the (Italian) solo sailor had sent out an ...

A few hour ago the coast guard contacted us. A Belgian yacht appeared to be in trouble on the Atlantic Ocean. The 'Oosterschelde' was at 90 nautical miles distance. After ...

Last night while steering in the dark across the tranquil ocean, the sky was suddenly lit up. Immediately everyone thought of a thunderstorm. But from behind a cloud we ...