Author: Elvira Beetstra

After we have hoisted all the sails, it becomes quiet on board. There is little wind and for the first time since the start...

We are on our way to Boa Vista with 3 knots, it takes a bit longer than usual but we will get there! It is rare that there is so little wind...

‘Around 8:30 in the morning, we boarded the dinghy and were brought ashore in Tarrafal. Our cheerful guide Sidi was...

We have started our first Cape Verde trip. And I missed being here. It's the little things that make me realize it, Cape Verdeans...

It feels like a long time since we have been here in Cape Verde, even though we have only had to cancel one Cape Verde season....

After a stop at Santa Cruz de Tenerife, we left the port early in the morning for our voyage to Cape Verde. With a few new ...