Back at Sea

Back at Sea

5 January 2024

Back at Sea

The day on Carcass went by very fast. Our time here had been very calm, and the morning of departure also brings light weather, so we took out all the reefs. Now we are sailing on a flat sea with a northerly wind force 3 just north of East-Falkland. As it is one of the two large Islands that make up the biggest landmass of the Falklands, we still have about 80 Miles to go before we reach our destination Stanley.
We sail through groups of albatrosses resting on the calm water. With this light breeze we see these huge birds struggling to get into the air, but once up in the air they are truly majestic. Just before dinner we pass Cape Dolphin and as if it was scheduled, we are escorted by a pod of Commerson’s dolphins past the cape. These black and white rather small dolphins only live near the coast of southern Patagonia, near Falkland and at one location in the Indian Ocean. They are a pleasure to watch and their color makes it easy to also follow them while they swim under water.