Update Peter Paul

Update Peter Paul

5 May 2023


Peter Paul Klapwijk is mate on the ‘Helena’ and he has kept a log of the preparations for the first sailing day. He writes:
“Today is a lovely sunny day in several respects:

  1. No rain
  2. No rain
  3. Nice weather
  4. Sun.
  5. Martin brought fish soup.
  6. At 12.30 Renee Kooger joined.
    Boom, gaff, mizzenboom in the UV paint. The window frames and the jib boom had the last layer of varnish. Renee really wanted to put the jib boom in the UV varnish as well. Checked at least five times to see if it was dry. Unfortunately, not so we have to wait until Friday. Lots to do Monday and Tuesday. Finish the roof. Putting back all the sails on Tuesday. Window frames in UV varnish. Clean and tidy up.”

“It started raining this morning. That was bad for my mood. But soon the sky cleared, and we were able to do a lot. The new roof parts are sanded and painted, fittings of the boom and mizzenmast are painted. The window frames of the deckhouse have been varnished. Blocks are sanded and varnished. Everything in the deck house is back in place and clean. And the deck is scrubbed and cleaned. The lamps above the tables have also been renewed. Good teamwork again today. Thanks Kees, Rob, Mike and Marieke. And of course Timmer Wim.”

“Yesterday, we worked with a large team, the shutters were back in front of the window frames of the deckhouse. Mainsail is back on. The ship is clean inside and out. And ready for first trip today.”