The Home Stretch

The Home Stretch

4 December 2022


Our extensive maintenance period is coming to an end. However, the stability calculation showed that 10 tons of extra ballast still needs to be installed in the ship. So, we unscrewed the floors on the rafters again and ordered ten thousand kilos of lead. In the form of triangular pieces (buns) with a weight of more than 11 kilos each. One by one we carried all the sandwiches onto the ship. On rubber strips they now lie neatly on the surface before we have fixed them with steel strips to prevent shifting.
Although it is a considerable amount of lead, everything went fairly quickly with the entire crew and after a few days of rebuilding it is no longer visible. Too bad, considering the effort, time and money it has cost.

This weekend we put the finishing touches to the carpentry and all orders will be on board. Abruptly we change from a ship under maintenance, to a ship shortly before departure. The transition takes some getting used to for everyone… But, especially very nice, because we can’t wait to sail again!