

31 March 2022


After a few days of heavy weather, it’s always a pleasure when it has calmed down a bit. But that is always very relative. When you’re sailing and there’s 35 knots of wind blowing over you, you think: oh no, that’s a lot of wind! But if you have just had over 50 knots of wind you think at those same 35 knots: hmm pretty strong wind, but doable.

With the wind decreasing, it was predicted that a nice northerly wind would come. That would mean that we could sail. Only the wind did not come from the north at all, but from the northeast! And since we fought so hard for every mile north, we weren’t going to just give up. So we continued motor-sailing. Now, a few days later, the wind has finally really decreased and shrunk far enough that we can gain altitude while sailing. So we immediately pulled out the last reefs and hoisted all the sails. Now we sail into the night, on our way to Gibraltar.