The English Channel

The English Channel

16 July 2021

The English Channel

We knew that the wind in the North Sea would not cooperate, so we continued through the English Channel. But it doesn’t really work here either. It all started perfectly with a northern breeze that helped us on our way. Soon, however, the wind began to shift to the west. But if that didn’t spoil the fun, we started tacking.

But today it didn’t go so well! With the current against us, the wind began to decrease further and further, making it a battle and we made no headway at all. So, we had to give in, lower the sails and started the engine. Initially for a few hours, because the wind was expected to come back. That would be nice, but that wind hasn’t found us yet…

The sea is completely flat as if oil had been poured over it, which was beautifully colored thanks to a very beautiful, bright red sunset. If you saw a painting of this, you wouldn’t believe the painter. Let’s hope that the wind will find us soon and we can switch off the engine.