


3 July 2019

After the race from Rouen to Scheveningen we sailed to Kiel for the Kieler Woche. Always a busy but fun week with lots of day sails. When the week was over, we had a few days to get to Aalborg.
But due to the predicted strong wind we decided to leave as soon as possible. Luckily this went fast and just before the heavy winds arrived, we were at the quay in Aalborg.

The event in Aalborg is in full swing. The ship is open for visitors and at the moment we have about a hundred people looking around on deck. This morning we had some time to something fun with the crew. So, we decided to go to ‘klettergarten’ (climbing garden) and we did 7 trails. The first one was easy, but every trail got a bit more difficult and the last once were heavy. But luckily, when your arms are really tired, there was a zipline in between so we could swing between the trees. I am sure that tomorrow there will be a few crew members with muscle aches.