


31 March 2019

The past few days, we had an exceptional view due to the clear weather. The first day of the trip, we saw Sal, Boa Vista, Santiago and Fogo at the same time! I’ve never seen that before. And right now, we see everyting from Santo Antão to São Nicolau. And due to the clarity we see a lot of wildlife as well. Many whales and dolphins have been spotted already. And we see the seabirds almost constantly.

About seabirds; the other day when my shift ended at 2 AM, I stepped into my cabin and turned on the lights. Suddenly, I saw something moving in the corner of my eyes. It scared me! But it was not scary at all, it turned out to be a (Cape Verdian) petrel that hopped around my cabin.

So, carefully I captured the bird, and took it outside. Back in my cabin, I was not that please with that ‘sweet’ bird, as there was bird poop on my pillow… I am glad that I noticed it  before I laid my head to rest!