Purring softly

Purring softly

Purring softly

20 March 2019

The group of friends that chartered the ship last weekend could not have picked a better weekend! Sun, perfect wind, we caught fish, we saw dolphins and even a shark. And because it all went so well, we anchored while under sail in the bay of Mindelo. And last but not least we tested the barbecue!

We now have a few days before the next group will step on board on Sal. This means maintenance and thanks to the nice weather we already know what to do: paint. And when we are at anchor without guests we don’t have to think about where to paint. For instance, if there will be salty spray getting on the ship, or if we need to belay ropes or if our guests would like to sit somewhere.

Meanwhile there is work being done on the rigging and the galley is getting cleaned from top to bottom.
If you are very quiet, you can hear the ship purring softly.