Kieler Woche

Kieler Woche

Kieler Woche

24 June 2018

And another Kieler Woche is finished! A very successful week in which at least 600 people enjoyed the ship. It was the usual bad weather, showers and quite some wind. But we sailed, a lot! Usually we are one of the very few ships that are under (almost) full sail, sailing in the Kieler Forde. It was hard work for the crew, setting sails, taking them away, rain cover on, rain cover off and this about 4 times during one trip. There was even one day with so much wind that we had double reefs in our main sail, schooner and mizzen and we were still going at 8,5 knots. 
The voyage to Kiel was relaxed, we sailed from Texel to Cuxhaven and most of the night and morning we did not go below 9 knots. Once we changed the ship to day sail mode, touched up on some paint work and varnished the hatches the ship was ready to go. 
Now we are on our way to Scheveningen, where we hope to arrive on Wednesday night. The forecast predicts we should be able to sail most of the way. We will see.