Tunas and dolphins

Tunas and dolphins

Tunas and dolphins

21 May 2018

On board we had a conversation that we had not seen much wildlife yet. And only one hour after this conversation, we saw tuna jumping out of the water in the distance. So, we altered our course to have a look up close. From up close, we could clearly see that the tunas were fleeing from the dolphins that were chasing them! We watched this spectacle for a while before we returned to our original course. Not much later, the dolphins were done hunting and came alongside our ship! They played a little in the backwash of our bow, and they showed off by jumping high out of the water!
The weather here is highly interesting. The barometer increased with 4 hPa in only 2 hours (for the people who do not know much about this: this is very fast!) and a strong wind appeared. Thereafter, the wind declined and became almost still, as we got closer to the center of the high-pressure area. In the meanwhile, the wind starts to come back, so we set most of our sails. The engine is on, but we expect that this afternoon we can turn it off and sail again. We look forward to enjoy the quietness of sailing soon!