On our way to Pensacola

On our way to Pensacola

On our way to Pensacola

10 April 2018

After a few days of having ‘Open Ship’ in Galveston, the new guests arrived on board for a voyage to Pensacola. A ship full of Americans, fun times! We have limited time to get to Pensacola and the weather prospects were also not favourable. For this reason, we left Galveston very early in the morning, together with six other ships. Luckily, the wind is still ok.
In the beginning of the afternoon we were able to set some sails. The wind has backed, so we set even more sails and we turned the engine off! Now we sail in the safety-lane, in between drilling platforms, and tonight we will sail out of this area and leave the safety-lane. Then it is a matter of steering, because the latest weather forecasts predict a backing wind. And for now, the more backing wind, the better…