Race update

Race update

Race update

24 May 2017

The thunderstorm which thankfully provided us with a little wind yesterday has joined with its friends and kept us busy all night. Thunder and rain. And not just a little! On top of that, the wind came. Most annoyingly, the direction of the wind kept changing. It turned from ESE to SW. A last fresh shower in the morning followed this wet, busy night. Then the wind has found its strength and direction again, and the rain disappeared. Unfortunately, after dinner it started again. Currently we have 25 knots on deck, sometimes even 32. But we were prepared. Now we’re speeding along doing 9 knots, half wind. This afternoon we’re third (with a time correction factor) in the race. The 2 ships ahead of us have to go very fast to stay ahead, as they have a higher time correction factor. Therefore, this strong wind in this direction is in our advantage, because the ‘Oosterschelde’ on reach is unstoppable!