


12 January 2017

The gusts of wind increased during the night. At one point, we saw our dinghy which was hanging on a painter line was flying in the air alongside the ship. With outboard motor about two meters high! We did not dare to get the dinghy on deck so when the dinghy landed again we attached a few extra lines. 
The ‘Oosterschelde’ was also trying to take off and was pulling on the anchor line. Due to the heavy pulls on anchor chain the anchor did not hold. A few times we had to lift anchor to get back close to shore to drop anchor again. Even at a depth of 10 meters, two anchors and 120 meters of anchor chain the anchor did not stay in place. 
The picture from our electronic map shows our movements from last night. Every time we dropped anchor we gave the track a different colour.  
So, we did not get a very goodnight’s rest, but we are on our way again. There’s wind force 6 and although we can’t keep our preferred course it’s not too uncomfortable at sea. On our way to Boa Vista.