


12 June 2015

Everything went very well, underway to Rona. But when we got to Rona the swell was not very kind to us. On the spot we wanted to anchor the swell was okay, but on the landing spot of the dinghy it was to dangerous to bring people ashore. That’s why we made a dinghy tour with small groups. We were able to see the seals and different birds up close. This with the guidance of (self proclaimed) dinghy-captain Eddy (Eduardo). After that the dinghy was put back on board, the anchor reeled back in and we left under sail. Before dinner we arrived at Sule Skerry, where anchoring nor landing was an option. We sailed around the island and then left to the Orkneys. Around 2 AM Mainland was in sight and with the current from behind we sailed through the islands. But then we had to turn up and the wind was to high up to keep on sailing. We put the sails down and went further on the engine between the islands and rocks. Because we are so far up North it does not get very dark at night. In the North it is light and in the South it is dark. And we are in the middle. We arrived in Kirkwall just before 7:30 AM, so during breakfast plans for the day where made. Around the island, standing stones, distillery, St Magnus, etc. At the distillery of Highland Park we got an interesting tour of this quite large, but traditional whiskey producer. One of the few which lets the sprouting happen at the distillery and where everything is done by hand. And of course at the end some tasting needs to be done. When everyone was back on board we sailed to the Bay of Holland on Stronsay. This because it was a calm night and we fancied a barbecue. The bellies are filled with meat and salads and we are preparing for a nice long night of sleeping. Tomorrow after breakfast we are going to start the last leg. The direction of the wind seems good, but it could be a bit stronger. But well, we have got time.