Build up

Build up

Build up

25 April 2015

The ‘Oosterschelde’ looks like a ship again. The exterior is painted. The yards are back up in the mast. The booms and sails are back in place. We used the rain today to clean the ship. When the King looks towards the Kalkhaven from the church in Dordrecht on Monday we can be proud. (Monday it is king’s day in the Netherlands, we celebrate the birthday of the King and it is a big coincidence that the King has chosen Dordrecht to visit).
The new engine and gearbox are aligned and in place. The mufflers are hanging in their rubbers and the pumps and coolers are installed. All the pipes can now be connected. This is still a lot of work, but the men of Dolderman are working incredibly hard and are also working during the weekend. We are not there yet, but slowly but surely we are getting there. Also the galley and communal area are coming along fine. The holes in the floors are closed off again and the pipes are connected. The new combisteamer is shining next to the new cabinets in the galley. The bar has a new refrigerator and a railing where we can hold on to when the ship is moving. The wheelhouse was already finished on the outside, but now the equipment on the inside is also reconnected.