April 2014

The green hills of the island Faial seem to be divided into terraces. But in reality bamboo hedges divide different fields from each other. There is not much else to see. ...

The 'Oosterschelde' has arrived at Horta (Azores) at 14:45 LT. The police left us at 15:00 and we are now free to enter Europe. From 17:00 we will have our end-of-voyage ...

Update by Maarten:
"This morning the easterly wind arrived as promised en we ar now sailing north towards the Azores. The count down towards our arrival has begun. We are...

Update bij Claire:
"The captain, such a man. I’d follow him to hell and back, I would.
- Dr. Zoidberg, on an episode of ‘Futurama’.

As we near ...

Update by Maarten: “This morning, steering east with a fresh breeze from the north, we crossed, hopefully the last, latitude equals longitude line at 27 degrees, 56.05 ...

Update by Arian:
"When the whole voyage still lies ahead of us, we tend to say, when the wind is not from the right direction: "Ah well, then we sail in another ...

On the 30th of April at 4pm the ‘Oosterschelde’ will arrive in the Veerhaven in Rotterdam. In 18 months we visited 14 countries on 5 continents, rounded 3 well-known capes...

Update by Claire:
“With so much to do, you would think nobody would have time to worry about what will happen when this voyage is over. But with two weeks left, I ...