Cape Horn Ceremony!

Cape Horn Ceremony!

Cape Horn Ceremony!

12 October 2014

Almost one year ago our crew and trainees prepared themselves for one of the most challenging parts of the global circumnavigation: the Cape Horn voyage.
On the 6th of December 2013 we received the following message from the ship written by Phil Woodgate: “Yesterday at 09:45 we crossed the 50th parallel in the Atlantic Ocean, thus fulfilling the requirements of the Cape Horn society: to sail a commercial sailing vessel for 3,000 miles, without using the engine, from 50 degrees south in the Pacific to 50 degrees south in the Atlantic.”
After careful consideration and studying our logbook, the committee of the Dutch Cape Horners decided to award the title of Cape Horn skipper to the captains Arian Poortman, Klaas Gaastra (Bark Europa) and Gijs Sluik (Tecla). The crew members (96) got the predicate Cape Horn sailor. Today in the ‘Oosterkerk’ in Hoorn the ceremony will be held.
We hereby congratulate the captains, crew and trainees of the three Dutch Tall Ships who completed this spectacular voyage!