


5 May 2014

It is -like it always is- very busy during our visit to the wharf. The long list of things to do is getting shorter, but some jobs are being added and some jobs take longer than expected. What we are doing:
The propeller is not quite the way we would like it. We took it of and shipped it to the manufacturer in Germany to adjust it.
We try the paint the exterior of the ship and also below the waterline. Every small spot of rust is first pre-treated. The bowsprit has been taken of the ship to check it, but while were at it we also sand it and give it a new layer of varnish, renew or refurbish the chains, running rigging and ironwork.
The anchor chains are being laid out, the forepeak is being sandblasted and painted. The anchor on starboard side is being replaced for a new and heavier one.
The masts are being varnished just like the flagpole and the wheelhouse.
All the sails are being brought to the sail maker to be checked and if needed repaired. In the engine room a few pipes are being replaced and during all this the ship is being inspected. Busy!