


5 March 2014

Update by Lotte:
“Will I be able to make it to the yard from here? Not a chance. All right, I could step around the mast, secure myself, climb on the yard, walk to the other side and jump off onto the rope. Definitely not. Whilst writing this, it seems easier and less frightful than when I was up there. Only a few minutes before, I had untied the ropes of the most upper topsail (the topgallant) without a problem, but now I could feel the blood running through my veins, my heart beating at least 217 times a minute and, although I hated to admit it, I felt afraid climbing into the mast for the first time on this journey. Realising that I was at least 30 m above sea level, feeling the wind getting stronger and the ship rocking from port to starboard and back again, I thought of what F. D. Roosevelt said about being afraid: ‘There is nothing to fear but fear itself’. But it made as little sense to me as people who voluntarily sign up to do the dishes. I decided to climb down and try it again some other time. Arriving at the first platform, next to the lowest yard, I came back to my senses and –although having disappointed myself a bit- realised, on the other hand, that I was sailing the South Atlantic Ocean and had the most beautiful view of the almost-sunset you can imagine.