Gently rocked

Gently rocked

Gently rocked

26 February 2014

Update by Wim:
“When I wake up, I keep my eyes closed, and hear the sound of water rushing by. And very dim, like far away, fragments of music and friendly voices. And then I remember: this is the fulfilling of a dream in motion. Below us: five thousand meters of water, 360 degrees around us, nothing but waves and some seabirds, and above us, way above the clouds: the unimaginable vastness of the galaxy. But I’m ‘here’, my body wobbling away in my bunk to the reaction of the motion of the vessel forcing its way through the waves, solely by the power of the wind in the sails. An ancient form of transportation, thousands of years old. Listening to it all, the vessel rocks me gently back to sleep again.”