Life here is beautiful and full of adventure!

Life here is beautiful and full of adventure!

Life here is beautiful and full of adventure!

1 July 2013

Update by Jim Manolatos:
“Hello everyone from all of us on the good ship ‘Oosterschelde’. What a wonderful sailing adventure we are having. A real mix of weather: beautiful sunrises & sunsets, cloudy days and some rain and showers. Beautiful starry nights, full moon and wind from every direction. So we are heading south to try to catch some westerly winds. The mizzen sheet corner ripped off today, so we will be sailing along with the mizzen sail reefed.
I just want to let you know that almost no one on board feels ‘isolated’. We are a pretty happy bunch of people who for one reason or another have chosen to ‘go to sea’. Different countries, different backgrounds, but a common connection to sea for adventure. We cooperatively do our watches led by a happy, friendly, competent captain and crew. We have become a happy bunch of sailors having an exhilarating life experience and enjoying a time of our lives somewhere in the South Indian Ocean! Only the one being seasick might be a little less happy. We hope he feels better soon. As for the rest of us, sail away, sail away, sail away!
Life here is beautiful and full of exciting adventure. Hope all is well with you too. Live on!”