15 miles before Cape of Good Hope

15 miles before Cape of Good Hope

15 miles before Cape of Good Hope

14 May 2013

Tuesday morning 7 AM. The first business starts up in Cape Town Harbour, and on the quay of Dock #6 it is starting to get quite crowded. The captains of the three Dutch Tall Ships gather for the last time before departure to discuss the weather forecast and the following route. At breakfast we see that some of the new guests still feel a bit uncomfortable, but are mostly excited to start! What will this voyage bring? The day starts bright and shiny; there is hardly any wind. After the final stores are on board, we decide to set the sails while we are still at the quay. The view for our visitors on the quayside is great! Several cannons are set up, ready to gunfire for our official departure. We are saluted with 5 cannons, and will answer with one shot.
The ‘Tecla’ tells port control that we are ready at 9AM, and as soon as they leave, also the ‘Oosterschelde’ and the ‘Europa’ disconnect the ships from the quay. While we lift the dinghy, we set our topsail and mizzen. Slowly, and with some support of the engine, we leave the port, waved off by many visitors. Captain Gerben and sailor Jana run on the pier to wave us off, they will not be on board during the following voyage. And off we are… Now, 15 miles before Cape of Good Hope, there is still hardly any wind. The three ships are still all in sight of each other, and we hope to reach for the Cape just before sunset. The sea and the sky are clear blue and beautiful. Curious seals accompany us every now and then. The atmosphere on board is great!