First test

First test

First test

8 April 2013

After a very comfortable first 750 miles with enough time to adjust to the circumstances, we now had our first test. Thursday the wind increased and that night it became more powerful. Because this was also in the forecasts we already shortened sail while it was still light. The wind became stronger and stronger and in the morning it was force 8 to 9 Bft. We decided to bear away and only set the fore sail and wait until the wind decreased. Because of the high waves, water came on deck and we were happy that we put some extra nets up along the railing and lines on deck. But of course ‘Oosterschelde’ has seen worse than this and she sailed without any problems through the rough waves.
In the afternoon the wind decreased and turned to the west. We could set some more sails. We enjoyed the sun and a nice wind and we could open the windows and portholes that had been shut during the heavy wind.
On Saturday we enjoyed the weather, wind and petrels that seem to follow the ship.  From time to time we see flying fish and we think we spotted a young albatross. At the end of the day the wind decreased and we search for the right course that is most comfortable and unfortunately we had to take down more sails.
Now we are sailing with the topgallant sail and topsail. The ship sways quite much but we are used to that now. Now we wait for a smoother sea and some more wind so we can set more sails and make some speed again.